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医疗废物具有危险性、污染性、毒性等特征,一旦得不到及时、安全、妥善处置,就可能产生二次传染,对环境安全和人民生命健康造成严重威胁。文章针对我国医疗废物处置管理存在的问题,从完善医疗废物处置管理立法体系、法律机制和监督问责制,建立多元机制等方面提出了有效的建议。  相似文献   
近年来,行政管理专业的发展遇到了很多问题,许多高校甚至开始考虑撤掉这个专业。诸如在人才培养目标定位模糊、课程设置泛化、教学过程僵化等方面,行政管理专业的问题愈发凸显。面对这一现实,行政管理专业迫切需要寻求自身存续和发展的突破点,回归专业建设之初的本心,重新追溯、审视、反思其学科价值,在对自身知识价值、育人价值及发展价值的追问、探讨、澄清、挖掘中寻找摆脱现实困境的方法,在此基础上对人才培养模式予以调整、重塑与变革。从学科价值的角度来说,这不仅体现的是一个专业对于社会的责任、对于学生的责任,更是对于自身存续发展的责任。  相似文献   
管理和科技的进步促进了企业效率的提升,然而这非但没有使普通劳动者从烦冗的劳动中得到 解脱,反而加剧了隐性加班带来的困扰。在这一现象背后,劳动者在非工作时间依然持续地承受着工作上的负担, 使其个人生活逐渐陷入物化的处境,工作与生活之间的冲突日渐加剧。研究认为,在资本与科技的相互交织之下, 法定的工时标准及其民主管理方式逐渐被重塑和弱化,制度的漏洞又在现实中降低了加班的法律保障力度。这 些因素共同构成了隐性加班泛滥的成因。研究建议,对隐性加班的法律规制,应当以规范雇主权力的运行为核心, 妥善处理职工民主管理与企业劳动管理之间的关系,并确定合理的加班认定标准,从而促进劳动者工作与生活 的平衡。  相似文献   
王铁雄 《河北法学》2020,38(1):20-42
《农村土地承包法修正案》将“三权分置”政策内容上升为法律规定,确立承包地三权分置制度。对解决承包地流转闭锁抵押难行等问题意义重大。却因将承包经营权本集体经济组织内封闭流转以法律固化,新设土地经营权性质不清、类型混合、流转不济,无益承包地债权性与物权性并可市场化开放性流转之“三权分置”目标实现。受其影响,《民法典分编(草案)》亦存同样问题。亟待农村承包地三权分置制度进一步入典完善。在实地调研基础上,遵循《民法总则》落实集体土地所有权前提下,于《民法典分编(草案)》完善中,基于英美地产权客体权益分离理论与大陆法系二次权能分离理论具兼创债权性与物权性经营权功能的地权二次分离理论,在保持土地承包经营权规定不变上,从其客体权益中分离出二元化土地经营权,并分别于合同编增设农地租赁经营合同具体规范债权性经营权、于物权编构造“农用地使用权”科学规范物权性经营权。以利能以债权性经营权顺农地灵活经营实践、物权性经营权应农地抵押及长期经营所需的二元化路径,促现行承包经营权本集体经济组织内封闭流转向派生出的土地经营权市场化开放性流转发展,以实现农村承包地三权分置制度入典达成“三权分置”、“放活土地经营权”之政策目标。  相似文献   
Public management networks (PMNs) continue to proliferate as governance becomes more complex, and so does the need to hold them accountable. Agency and collaboration theories provide a solid foundation, but additional constructs are necessary to adapt to this dynamic era. Building from Bovens et al. (2008), the authors offer an ecological framework of third-party accountability that incorporates a number of prominent accountability theories under the same construct. Employing a mixed-methods research design that examines eight local PMNs in the Chicago region, the study finds that an exemplar accountability mechanism—additional cost monitoring—occurs more often in situations predicted by the framework. Additionally, qualitative interviews of network participants suggest that cost structures can differ by network type, which is verified quantitatively.  相似文献   
Forensic Technicians provide crime scene investigation services and are exposed to stressful violent crimes, motor vehicle accidents, biological or chemical hazards, and other appalling imagery. Forensic Technicians would likely experience physical and psychological stress after exposure to trauma, and security vulnerabilities similar to Sworn Police Officers. The perceived availability of mental health resources, job-related physical, psychological stress, and traumatic experiences of both Forensic Technicians and Sworn Police Officers from California law enforcement agencies were investigated using a self-reported survey. Responses were evaluated for any significant differences in the perceived stress, job-related physical stress, and resulting psychological impact affecting the participants. The survey contained a mix of True/False, Circle/Check the Appropriate Box, or Likert Scale (1–5) responses. The results were evaluated statistically and discussed. Results indicated Sworn Police Officers and Forensic Technicians have different on-duty stress levels, but similar off-duty stress levels. Nearly two-thirds of 54 job-related stressors were not significantly different between the two occupations. However, Forensic Technicians reported more adverse effects in 17 physical and psychological job-related activities compared with Sworn Police Officers. Forensic Technicians reported lower awareness levels and availability of agency mental health support services than were reported by Sworn Police Officers. This study reports for the first time an unexpected outcome that perceived and job-related psychological stress is greater for Forensic Technicians than Sworn Police Officers. Possible reasons for this disparity will be discussed as well as stress management tools that should be implemented to reduce health risk factors for both career professionals as well as increase public safety.  相似文献   
机构编制管理关系到行政成本的高低和行政机构的效能。机构编制管理中的突出问题在于编制配置不科学、不合理,规范化和制度化建设相对滞后。新时代的机构编制管理需要站在治国理政和治理能力现代化的战略高度,平衡“管牢”与“管活”双重目标,处理好事业发展需要与总量控制、“条线”要求与编制管理整体、短期成效与长期成本、编制增加与编制减少、编制管理部门收紧与财政部门宽松之间的辩证关系。在此基础上,通过立法保障、全盘统筹、规划引领、观念更新、机制联动等多维度改革为国家治理能力现代化奠定坚实的组织基础。  相似文献   
This article investigates prime ministers’ communication strategies during the most recent economic crisis in Europe. It argues that when electoral risk is high but governments’ policy options are severely limited, prime ministers will use specific communication strategies to mitigate electoral risks. Two such communication strategies are analysed – issue engagement and blame shifting – by applying state-of-the-art quantitative text analysis methods on 5,553 speeches of prime ministers in nine European Union member states. Evidence is found for both strategies. Prime ministers talk about the economy more in response to both high (domestic) unemployment and low (domestic) gross domestic product growth. Furthermore, it is found that the (domestic) unemployment rate is the most consistent predictor of blame shifting: as the domestic unemployment rate goes up, this is followed by an increase in blame shifting towards banks, Greece and the Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,我国治安治理结构经历了"磁斥结构-磁吸结构-耦合结构"的演进路径,在不同的时代背景之下,各治理结构呈现出其所特有的治理逻辑和基本特征。从认同性、社会自主性、公共性、参与性四个方面对三种治理结构进行比较分析来看,未来治安治理结构的发展规律,将在很大程度上同国家与社会间良性互动的耦合治理结构相吻合。  相似文献   
石宏 《知识产权》2021,(2):3-17
将于2021年6月1日正式开始实施的著作权法修改决定,对我国的著作权法律制度作了重大完善,修改的主要内容包括:一是完善相关概念和制度,包括完善作品的定义和类型,明确视听作品的权利归属,廓清广播权的内涵,修改合理使用的相关内容,增加职务表演制度等;二是强化对著作权人的保护,包括增加惩罚性赔偿制度,提高法定赔偿额,加大对严重侵权行为的行政处罚力度等;三是解决权利人维权难题,包括增加作品登记制度,增加文书提交令制度,实行举证责任倒置,完善诉前保护制度,完善著作权集体管理制度等;四是全面履行国际条约义务,包括延长摄影作品的保护期,完善残疾人合理使用的规则,增加表演者对其表演的出租权,增加录音制作者的广播和机械表演获酬权等。  相似文献   
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